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THIRD PARTY FIREARM TRANSFERS: It is the responsibility of the person purchasing a firearm from a third party to make sure that the firearm that they are purchasing is California Compliant and that the purchaser is eligible to purchase, own and possess the particular firearm. Marshall Security Training Academy & Range is not responsible for firearms purchased from a third party that are undeliverable because the firearm is not California Compliant and/or the purchaser is ineligible or prohibited from ownership. Marshall Security Training Academy & Range is only responsible for entering the transfer into the Dealer Record of Sale (DROS) system, the California Department of Justice is responsible for the release of the firearm.
​/or the purchaser is ineligible or prohibited from ownership. Marshall Security Training Academy & Range is only responsible for entering the transfer into the Dealer Record of Sale (DROS) system, the California Department of Justice is responsible for the release of the firearm.


Any NICS and/or DOJ denials or cancellation of firearm orders by the buyer will result in 30% restocking fee. The fee is based upon the full purchase price of the firearm. All sales are final on ammunition,Taser/Stun Guns, Pepper Spray and special orders.

Safe Life is a vendor with whom Marshall is working with for protection accessories.
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© 2010-2023 by Marshall Security Training Academy & Range For Professional Security and Training. Call: (310) 438-2283 | (310) 438-2383

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